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Results from the WOW.Com Content Network /en /programs /global-water-security-sanitation-partnership The Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership ( GWSP ), formerly the Water and Sanitation Program , is a trust fund administered by the World Bank geared at improving the accessibility and infrastructure of water and sanitation for underdeveloped countries.
Capital Regional District, in British Columbia, Canada; Cariboo Regional District, in British Columbia, Canada; Central Research Department of E. I. du Pont de Nemours; Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, health research institute, York University
WSP USA, formerly Parsons Brinckerhoff, is an American multinational engineering and design firm. [1] The firm operates in the fields of strategic consulting, planning, engineering, construction management, energy, infrastructure and community planning.
WSP Global Inc. is a Canadian consulting firm working mostly in the built environment. It was created in 2012, following Montreal-based Genivar 's takeover of British firm WSP Group plc. It is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange .
Flier distributed by the WSP to welcome Carrie Chapman Catt back to New York, November 1912. By 1915, the WSP had a hundred thousand members. [20] During the summer of 1915, the WSP ran a "model woman suffrage campaign," with 5,225 outdoor meetings, 13 concerts and 28 parades and processions. [21]
CRD headquarters is in the City of Victoria, although there are many office and operational facilities throughout the region. The total land area is 2,341.11 km 2 (903.91 sq mi). The CRD was formed in 1966 as a federation of seven municipalities and five electoral areas to provide coordination of regional issues and local government in rural ...
The principles and concepts of other risk management paradigms are extensively drawn upon in WSP design, including the multi-barrier approach and HACCP [1]. In order to produce a plan, a thorough assessment of the water supply process from water source to the consumer's tap must be carried out by the water provider. The Washington State Fire Training Academy is a firefighting training center near North Bend, Washington , United States. It is operated by the Washington State Patrol and includes classrooms, dormitories, and several simulation centers.