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If Pennsylvania’s 2024 election follows the same trend we observed in 2022, that means about 150,000 more mail ballots will arrive in time to be counted, via either the mail or drop boxes. The ...
Pennsylvania courts have been handing down a flurry of decisions on mail-in balloting ahead of the Nov. 5 general election, including a Thursday ruling that a county should have counted ...
Republicans asked the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Thursday to again ensure mail ballots with a missing or improper date are not counted in this year’s election, accusing multiple counties of ...
Since Pennsylvania enacted its no-excuse mail voting law in 2020, counties have rejected thousands of ballots because voters failed to sign or date the outer envelopes, or made another technical ...
A federal appeals court must decide if Pennsylvania voters need to put accurate handwritten dates on the outside envelopes of their mail-in ballots for the votes to count, a dispute with ...
Even a small number of mail ballots getting thrown out due to incorrect or missing dates could have significant ramifications in Pennsylvania, a state President Joe Biden won over former President ...
Democrats have embraced voting by mail much more than Republicans since it was widely expanded in Pennsylvania in 2019 — months before the COVID-19 pandemic — as part of a legislative deal in ...
Mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania without accurate handwritten dates on their exterior envelopes must still be counted if they are received in time, a judge ruled Tuesday, concluding that rejecting ...