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Height-Balanced. BATON is considered balanced if and only if the height of its two sub-trees at any node in the tree differs by at most one. If any node detects that the height-balanced constraint is violated, a restructuring process is initiated to ensure that the tree remains balanced.
A weight-balanced tree is a binary search tree that stores the sizes of subtrees in the nodes. That is, a node has fields key, of any ordered type; value (optional, only for mappings) left, right, pointer to node; size, of type integer. By definition, the size of a leaf (typically represented by a nil pointer) is zero.
In a binary tree the balance factor of a node X is defined to be the height difference ():= (()) (()) [6]: 459 of its two child sub-trees rooted by node X. A node X with () < is called "left-heavy", one with () > is called "right-heavy", and one with () = is sometimes simply called "balanced".
English: Analysis of data structures, tree compared to hash and array based structures, height balanced tree compared to more perfectly balanced trees, a simple height balanced tree class with test code, comparable statistics for tree performance, statistics of worst case strictly-AVL-balanced trees versus perfect full binary trees.
The height-biased leftist tree was invented by Clark Allan Crane. [2] The name comes from the fact that the left subtree is usually taller than the right subtree. A leftist tree is a mergeable heap. When inserting a new node into a tree, a new one-node tree is created and merged into the existing tree.
For height-balanced binary trees, the height is defined to be logarithmic () in the number of items. This is the case for many binary search trees, such as AVL trees and red–black trees . Splay trees and treaps are self-balancing but not height-balanced, as their height is not guaranteed to be logarithmic in the number of items.
An AVL tree is a kind of balanced binary search tree in which the two children of each internal node must have heights that differ by at most one. [7] The height of an external node is zero, and the height of any internal node is always one plus the maximum of the heights of its two children.
If the two trees are balanced, join simply creates a new node with left subtree t 1, root k and right subtree t 2. Suppose that t 1 is heavier (this "heavier" depends on the balancing scheme) than t 2 (the other case is symmetric). Join follows the right spine of t 1 until a node c which is balanced with t 2.