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Rhizopus stolonifer is commonly known as black bread mold. [1] It is a member of Zygomycota and considered the most important species in the genus Rhizopus. [2] It is one of the most common fungi in the world and has a global distribution although it is most commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. [3]
Rhizopus oryzae is used in the production of alcoholic beverages in parts of Asia and Africa. Rhizopus stolonifer (black bread mold) causes fruit rot on strawberry, tomato, and Sweet potato and is used in commercial production of fumaric acid and cortisone. Various species, including R. stolonifer, may cause soft rot in sweet potatoes and ...
Rhizopus fruit rot Rhizopus arrhizus Rhizopus circinans Rhizopus stolonifer. Ripe fruit rot Aspergillus niger. Cladosporium spp. Mucor spp. Penicillium expansum Penicillium italicum. Scab Cladosporium carpophilum. Venturia carpophila [teleomorph] Shot hole Wilsonomyces carpophilus = Stigmina carpophila. Silver leaf Chondrostereum purpureum ...
Rhizopus rot Rhizopus stolonifer: Abiotic diseases. Abiotic diseases; Blossom-end rot Deficiency of calcium in fruit Sunscald ... Common Names of Diseases, The ...
R. stolonifer is a problematic pathogen as it infects fresh wounds occurring during packing and shipping. There is limited data on the exact losses attributed to Rhizopus soft rot. A study conducted in the New York City retail market found that the majority of culls due to disease were caused by Rhizopus soft rot (approximately 2% decay in ...
Rhizopus soft rot Rhizopus stolonifer = Rhizopus nigricans. Root rot Phytophthora palmivora Pythium aphanidermatum Pythium ultimum Pythium spp. Rhizoctonia solani Thanatephorus cucumeris [teleomorph] Sclerotium blight Sclerotium rolfsii Athelia rolfsii [teleomorph] Seedling blight Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Stem-end rot Alternaria alterneta
Lead study author Dr. Ernest Di Maio and his colleagues cooked 160 eggs, testing the different egg-boiling techniques and observing the changes in heat throughout each of the eggs.
Rhizopus wooly soft rot Rhizopus arrhizus = Rhizopus oryzae Rhizopus stolonifer = Rhizopus nigricans. Root canker Rhizoctonia spp. Root dieback Pythium spp. Root rot Fusarium spp. Fusarium culmorum Rhizoctonia spp. Sclerotium rolfsii. Phymatotrichum root rot (cotton root rot) Phymatotrichopsis omnivora = Phymatotrichum omnivorum. Rubbery brown rot