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For instance, there are similarities between 1 Peter and Peter's speeches in the Biblical book of Acts, [14] allusions to several historical sayings of Jesus indicative of eyewitness testimony (e.g., compare Luke 12:35 with 1 Peter 1:13, Matthew 5:16 with 1 Peter 2:12, and Matthew 5:10 with 1 Peter 3:14), [15] and early attestation of Peter's ...
1 Peter 3:15 τὸν ... Bruce M. Metzger, "A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament: A Companion Volume to the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament", ...
The International Critical Commentary (or ICC) is a series of commentaries in English on the text of the Old Testament and New Testament. It is currently published by T&T Clark , now an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing .
2 Clement 5:3 But Peter answered and said unto Him, What then, if the wolves should tear the lambs? 2 Clement 5:4 Jesus said unto Peter, Let not the lambs fear the wolves after they are dead; and ye also, fear ye not them that kill you and are not able to do anything to you; but fear Him that after ye are dead
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (or TNTC) is a series of commentaries in English on the New Testament. It is published by the Inter-Varsity Press . Constantly being revised since its completion, the series seeks to bridge the gap between brevity and scholarly comment.
The author also claims to have witnessed the sufferings of Christ (1 Peter 5:1) and makes allusions to several historical sayings of Jesus indicative of eyewitness testimony (e.g., compare Luke 12:35 with 1 Peter 1:13, Matthew 5:16 with 1 Peter 2:12, and Matthew 5:10 with 1 Peter 3:14). [22]
The Word Biblical Commentary (WBC) is a series of commentaries in English on the text of the Bible both Old and New Testament. It is currently published by the Zondervan Publishing Company . Initially published under the "Word Books" imprint, the series spent some time as part of the Thomas Nelson list.
The Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (ACCS) is a twenty-nine volume set of commentaries on the Bible published by InterVarsity Press. It is a confessionally collaborative project as individual editors have included scholars from Eastern Orthodoxy , Roman Catholicism , and Protestantism as well as Jewish participation. [ 1 ]