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Ultra-processed foods is a huge category and not all of those foods are unhealthy. Experts explain.
Processed culinary ingredients are used to enhance unprocessed or minimally processed foods. Think salt, sugar, oil, vinegar and honey. Think salt, sugar, oil, vinegar and honey.
Ultra-processed foods often contain trans fats and high levels of saturated fats, which can raise LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels and lower HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels. Elevated LDL cholesterol is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis, a condition that can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and cardiovascular disease.
Really, the bad-for-you-foods we imagine when we think about food processing are actually ultra-processed foods such as frozen pizza, potato chips, ready-made meals, and cookies.
Ultra-processed foods are notoriously bad for all aspects of health, but some experts are arguing we should have a more nuanced approached in discussing and evaluating their impact.
Ultra-processed foods, which are commonly defined under a classification known as NOVA, contain additives and undergo significant alterations from their natural state. They tend to be energy-dense ...
“Attempting to classify foods as unhealthy simply because they are processed, or demonizing food by ignoring its full nutrient content, misleads consumers and exacerbates health disparities ...
Processed foods have certainly gotten a bad rep over the last few years. But most of the foods we eat are processed on some level. I mean, unless you’re choosing fresh, whole food and eating it ...